Internship Program +

Intern Testimonials

What Visiting Teacher-Interns Say

“This trip has done so much to further my understanding of what a good English classroom looks like. Everyone I have had the pleasure of speaking with this week has been an incredible resource. I sincerely appreciate the insights and advice that were shared.”

“Having a student-centered curriculum is so powerful since it lets students take control of their learning. Everyone seemed so eager to learn from each other by way of peer reviews or discussions, and that is the type of environment I want to foster in my own classroom.”

“This was the best PD I’ve done in 16 years of being a teacher.”

“I was excited to learn about how to create an open ended workshop vs. having everyone working on one piece at the same time. I can see how to make it work in my classroom now."

“I loved the way that writing instruction was so specific to the needs of the students and where they were at in their individual writing processes.”

“My big takeaway is the flexibility that the writing workshop affords teachers to better meet the needs of individual students. It never occurred to me prior to our visit to consider that as the ultimate way to differentiate instruction. It just makes so much sense in so many ways.”

“I really liked gaining an understanding of the overall goals of the school and how they play out even in the smallest ways. It seems like every aspect of the school has been carefully designed with only the best interest of the students in mind. I also liked being able to peek behind the curtain to see all the organizational procedures and structures that strangely allow for a relaxed and flexible vibe along with more time to connect deeply with students.”

“I have really appreciated my time at CTL. Each teacher is lovely and encouraging and so intelligent. They all connect with each student on a deep and personal level—and in my conversations with the students, they ALL love the school and their relationships there.”

“I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to observe at the CTL. Thank you so much for the warm welcome! These past few days have given me so much hope.”